Wednesday 20 February 2013

Today was A Productive day..

Well today in Richard's lesson, we went out and took photo's of our classmates on 5 diffrent tasks to show different "emotions" and also showed what they are like as a person, here's some imgaes, will upload more when they're all edited.

Monday 18 February 2013

Documentary Photography

Shore Lane

here is some images i took, when I got snowed in in March 2013, and i thought it'd be a perfect opportunity to take some photo's to document the change in British weather in 2013, and here are my results. 

Monday 4 February 2013

Inspired Photographers

Here's a few Photographers that have inspired me to become a Photographer.
Dave Engledow
Dave Engledow
Dave Engledow
Dave Engledow

Dave Engledow

High Speed Photography

High speed photography is a technique of capturing images with a remarkably quick shutter speed and mostly used for the scenes which cannot be seen with naked eyes. For high speed photography, you can use more or less any SLR camera, but an expensive camera can reach a much faster shutter speed and high speed photography

Sunday 3 February 2013

Studio Photography

Studio Photography involves different  lighting and equipment, When working in the studio, you have control over your settings and use the use of lighting.



So when we were asked to do some studio images at college, the studio was full up so i had to find a way
around this, so i eventually created a home studio at home, and by using a white card i think most of the images turned out how i expected them to, so here are the results; 

David Hockney

I'm researching Polaroid photographers as I'm going to be experimenting, And I came across David Hockney, and I must say his Photography is totally unique to anything I've ever seen before, mainly because he does all sorts in just one image and, he does montages well for example in these image he has separated the images so they're just in "blocks"

David Hockney

David Hockney

David Hockney

Montage Photography

Montage photography is when you create one "Image" using lots of different images, some of this is recognized through the famous Photographer "David Hockney" and some of his work, is mainly Montage Photography, some of his work is listed below.

David Hockney

David Hockney

and after looking after theese Images, I got my Inspiration and wanted to create an Montage myself, to see how it turned out, and here is the final image that I managed to come up with, if i do montages in the future, i think It will be better when i pick a better season than winter!

Montage By Roman Kucharski