Wednesday 15 May 2013

Music Photography

Here's a bunch of iconic music photographers that I researched and found out about.

1. James Marcus Haney(who has documented Mumford & sons)

2. Andy Holdsworth

Andy is a photographer based in London, and often photographs a guitarist named Dave Holmes. I thought his pictures are really quite interesting and unique. 

London Music Photography

So then our class did some of our own photography based on music and here are the results of what I captured. I chose George as my subject, as she is very interesting  to photograph, she's got lots of personality, skill and tattoos. 

Here I tried to recreated a cover photo form the "London Calling" album by the Clash. 

Tuesday 7 May 2013

Experimental Photography

Here are some photo's that I've taken whilst experimenting with different camera technique.

I took a blank CD, and poured water over it and then used a macro attachment to my 50mm lens to capture the single water droplets in ultra CU. This technique, using a single light source, also allowed me to capture the reflection from the CD, which brought out a really good effect. 

Macro Lens Attachment (With 50mm Attached)

Macro Lens Attachment (With 50mm Attached)

Macro Lens Attachment (With 50mm Attached)

I also experimented with a panorama technique, which i thought was really special and very unique compared to other simple panorama shots that are normally taken. 

Shot Using iPhone 4S using "360 panorama" app.

Macro Photography

I borrowed a Macro lens from college until the 14th May, 2013. and experimented with its capabilites. This gave me another option to choose for my final project. 

here are some of the images  I shot using this lens.


How to Make A Cynaotype

  • Setup a work space for treating the watercolor paper. A dark room lit with a safe light is ideal. In any event, the room should be as dim as possible and away from direct sunlight.
  • Proceed with mixing the chemical solutions. A common recipe calls for 25g ferric ammonium citrate and 100ml water in one bottle, 10g potassium ferricyanide and 100ml of water in the other bottle. Mix until the chemicals are fully dissolved. Important note: the 2 chemical solutions need to remain separate until the paper is to be treated.

  • Place equal amounts of the 2 chemical solutions into the mixing cup. Cyanotype chemicals are short-lived once mixed together, so mix only what you think you will need for your project. You can always mix a little more, but unused cyanotype mixture must be discarded.

  • Paint the chemical mixture onto the surface of the watercolor paper using the sponge or paintbrush. To avoid wasting chemicals, treat only the part of the paper where the negatives will be placed.

  • Allow the treated paper to dry thoroughly in a dark area. It is important to keep the treated paper out of light until it is time for printing.

  • Place the negative(s) on the treated paper in the darkened room. Consider placing the negative and paper in a secure-backed picture frame to hold the negative in place. Once everything is in place, cover with a light-protective cloth and carry outside

  • Place the negative and paper in direct sunlight for about 10 to 15 minutes (denser negatives might take longer).
  • Once the paper has been exposed, bring inside and place it into the plastic tray. Allow it to sit under running water for about 5 minutes.
  • Pour a cap-full of hydrogen peroxide into the water wash to get a quick preview of what your final image will look like.
  • Allow Cyanotype to dry completley.
Final Turnout:

Risk Assessment

What is risk assessment?

A risk assessment is simply a careful examination of what in your work could cause harm to people, so that you can weigh up whether you have taken enough procedures or should do more to prevent harm.

Five steps to risk assessment-

  1. Identify the hazards.
  2. Decide who may be harmed and how.
  3. Evaluate the risks and decide on precaution.
  4. Record your findings and implement them.
  5. Review your assessment and update if necessary. 
Working in a salon.

1. Identifying hazards.

Chemicals, hair dyes, hazardous solutions, tripping over cables, slipping on hair, water, spilt shampoo etc. Hot water, sharp scissors and razors 

2. Deciding who may be harmed and how.

Customers and staff being scalded from hot water, customers not given protective eye wear and gowns when using bleach, peroxide, dyes etc. Ingestion and contamination of chemicals by the public. 

3. Evaluate the risks and decide on precaution.

Good house keeping, keep hazardous chemicals locked away, provide adequate ventilation and lighting, PAT test electrical equipment annually and provide adequate training for staff.

4. Record your findings and implement them.

Keep a log of any potential hazards, if any hazards are found report the problem straight away or notify your employer as soon as possible.

5. Review your assessment and update if necessary.

Have regular checks of electrical equipment, remove any faulty equipment, have regular emergency lighting checks, keep chemicals tidy and with clearly visible labels. 

Risk assessments are important and we all do it on a daily bases when at home or at work.

Health and safety


The control of harmful substances (COSHH) is a health and safety guideline for the protection of employees in the workplace where hazardous substances are present. As an employer you are responsible for the well being of your safety and employees, being aware of your surroundings and the various chemicals that are used and there effect on health is important. Understanding the effects of chemicals to humans can help you in the procedures you take in the event of an accident occuring

Harmful substances.

There are many substances that can be harmful to human health such as fumes, dust, chemicals such as cleaning fluids, solvents, paint and oils.

How may workers be harmed or exposed?
  • The breathing in of fumes, gases or dust.
  • Skin exposed to irritants and acidic substances.
  • Contact with the eyes.
  • Puncture of the skin.
Exposure by breathing in.

Certain substances if breathed in can attack the nose, throat and lungs and can enter other parts of the body via the blood stream, and can be seriously harmful to the human body

Exposure by skin contact.

Some substances damage the skin or pass through it entering the body damaging internal organs and bones

Exposure by swallowing.

The transfer of chemicals from the hands to the mouth caused by not washing your hands after handling chemicals.

Exposure to the eyes.

Some substances produce vapours, gases or dust particles can damage the eyes, caustic fluid splashes can damage the eyes permanently.

Exposure by skin puncture.

The risk of skin puncture from sharp knives, and needles which can cause infections or blood poisoning.

European warning symbols.

New International warning signs.

Hazard check list.

  • Does any product you use have a danger label?
  • Is the substance harmful to breath in?
  • Can the substance harm your skin?
  • Could harm come about in the way you use or produce something?
  • What are you going to do about it?
           - Use something else.
           - Use it in another safer way.
           - Control it to stop harm being caused.


Health and safety is a very important consideration when working, especially if your working in different environments as a lot of photographers do, keeping safe and keeping your colleagues safe is vital to a safe and successful business.

Credit - 

Developing Own Interpersonal Skills

Task 1 LO 1.1

Strengths and Weaknesses:

After the group discussion about personal strengths and weaknesses and how they are important to our future write here what you think are your strengths and weaknesses and how you can use them in your career

I think my strenghts are:

  • Working With Others
  • Determination
  • Helpfulness
I think my weaknesses are:

  • Worrying
  • Punctuality 
  • Stressing
  • Time management
    I always try to do my best to be on time with everything, whether that is arriving somewhere on time or handing projects in on time. I'm always willing to help people and am always willing to learn new things myself too. and I also like working withing groups because we can discuss certain topics that we didn't understand firstly

My Time management & Stressing  is my biggest weakness. this is because i live between two places, and it's diffcult cause i travel alot. and also when i'm stressed i automacticly think i'm going to fail because I have so much on me, but it helps me to do some of the work a little at a time so i'm not as stressed. 

Task 2 LOs 2.1

Time Management

a) After the group discussion write here why time management is important.

Time management is important, because it helps you plan anything, from projects to life in general. Having a good sense of time management will help you do the following things:

  • Prioritise correctly
  • Setting certain times and goals (targets) and getting the things done on time (jobs, projects)
  • Meeting deadlines. This is important, because you're responsible for your own reputation, but also for reputations of any of your clients, and they expect the deadlines to be on time. 
b) On a scale of 1-10 (1 being really bad never ever been on time for anything ever!!) mark  on the scale of where you think you are for your own time management


C) Describe here how you can improve your time management skills.

As soon as i get a piece of coursework i should start it as soon as i get it this is because i usually think there's not that much to do and when i review what i have to do there is lots of it, and it stresses me out and I worry that i will fail, so i n the future, I'll plan that i'll do it soon as i get it, rather than stressing and getting worked up about it. 


Symptoms Of Stress

  • Worrying
  • Poor judgment
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Memory issues
  • Lack of motivation


  • Cigarettes/Drugs
  • Nervous habits
  • Isolation
  • Procrastinating


  • Depression
  • Irritability
  • Isolation
  • Feeling overwhelmed
  • Mood swings
  • Inability to relax


  • Crying
  • Aches and pains
  • Sleeping too much/little
  • Eating too much/little
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhoea or constipation
  • Frequent colds
  • Lack of sex drive

Task 3 LOs 3.1:

After the group discussion write here the strategies that you would use for coping with stress:

The first thing I would do is figure out what is causing the stress. and i would try to do someting else to keep my mind of it so I'm not as stressed. 


Task 4 LO 4.1

Name here different types of critisism:
  • Constructive
  • Negative
  • Passive
  • Destructive
  • Requested

Task 5 LO 4.1:

Write here how you would deal with critisism

Receiving critisism can sometimes hurt. However, I always try and turn any sort of critisim into constructive critisism and find a way to use it to improve my work so it can be better in the future 


Task 6 LO 5.1

Describe here situations where you have been confident or seen other people acting in a confident manner. Ensure that you describe the behaviour that you have seen and what made you think that you or the other person was confident.

I remember standing up for myself when i was bullied in high school, and it's not nice to be hurt just because all people are diffrent, so i was confidence in myself to say enough's a enough, and stood up for myself. 

Body Language

Use this space to write down your thoughts from the discussion

Most of the different types of body language are probably already known by most people. The fact that crossing your arms can mean that you're worried about something, or just cold. 

Another example, biting fingernails, is another one we all probably know. It often means that the person is nervous or that it's simply habit.

Appropriate Behaviour

Task 8 LO 7.1

Describe here how you would respond to: Agressive, passive or assertive behaviour. Give examples of real situations if you can or describe how you think you would respond.


Having the experience as a football supporter, I have many examples where people have been aggressive towards me. In those situations I usually respond with the same aggression. However, other times I deal with aggression in a really calm way. 


I hate passive behaviour. I simply don't see the point in pretending to be all calm when something annoys me. Or to simply let everyone walk over me because I'm too scared to stand up for myself. That's just not me. 


There are simply too many situations where I've discovered this behavior  To be honest, this is the one I respect most. People that say it as it is, without being aggressive about it. However, not many people know how to respond to this properly.