Tuesday 7 May 2013

Health and safety


The control of harmful substances (COSHH) is a health and safety guideline for the protection of employees in the workplace where hazardous substances are present. As an employer you are responsible for the well being of your safety and employees, being aware of your surroundings and the various chemicals that are used and there effect on health is important. Understanding the effects of chemicals to humans can help you in the procedures you take in the event of an accident occuring

Harmful substances.

There are many substances that can be harmful to human health such as fumes, dust, chemicals such as cleaning fluids, solvents, paint and oils.

How may workers be harmed or exposed?
  • The breathing in of fumes, gases or dust.
  • Skin exposed to irritants and acidic substances.
  • Contact with the eyes.
  • Puncture of the skin.
Exposure by breathing in.

Certain substances if breathed in can attack the nose, throat and lungs and can enter other parts of the body via the blood stream, and can be seriously harmful to the human body

Exposure by skin contact.

Some substances damage the skin or pass through it entering the body damaging internal organs and bones

Exposure by swallowing.

The transfer of chemicals from the hands to the mouth caused by not washing your hands after handling chemicals.

Exposure to the eyes.

Some substances produce vapours, gases or dust particles can damage the eyes, caustic fluid splashes can damage the eyes permanently.

Exposure by skin puncture.

The risk of skin puncture from sharp knives, and needles which can cause infections or blood poisoning.

European warning symbols.

New International warning signs.

Hazard check list.

  • Does any product you use have a danger label?
  • Is the substance harmful to breath in?
  • Can the substance harm your skin?
  • Could harm come about in the way you use or produce something?
  • What are you going to do about it?
           - Use something else.
           - Use it in another safer way.
           - Control it to stop harm being caused.


Health and safety is a very important consideration when working, especially if your working in different environments as a lot of photographers do, keeping safe and keeping your colleagues safe is vital to a safe and successful business.

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